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Installing Drip Irrigation for Raised Beds + Checklist
Drip irrigation for raised beds puts an end to dried-out plants, slow or non growth and hours of manual watering. If you want your vegetable garden...

Raised Garden Bed Cover: Extending Your Growing Season
Wouldn’t it be nice to extend your growing season and enjoy cold-hearty vegetables just a little bit longer this year? With the right raised garden...

The Benefits of Worm Castings
Whether you’re a new or seasoned home gardener, you know that soil health is the key to success when growing, well, anything. There are endless soil...
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Learn more about your favorite raised garden bed topics, including soil building, planting and more.
Raised Bed Gardening
Soil Building
Gardening Basics
Raised Bed Gardening
How to Build a DIY Raised Garden Bed
To DIY or not to DIY – that is the question that many new gardeners ask when planning their raised bed garden. Should you build your own beds, or buy one you can just put together? The truth is that both options are really simple. It’s all a matter of personal...
How To Level A Raised Garden Bed for Better Drainage
Raised bed gardening takes a lot of work to get set up, and you need to do everything right from the start. Improper drainage is one of the things that can happen if your bed isn’t properly leveled from the start. You can add perlite to your bed, soil amendments, and...
The Best Raised Garden Bed Ideas
Do you want to build a raised garden but don’t know where to start? I’ve been there. And even after I built my little garden, there are still some things that I wish I had done differently. To save you from having any regrets, we’re going to share some of the best...
Building Hugelkultur Raised Beds for Maximum Growth
When you’re staring at an empty raised bed, you’ll quickly come to the realization that you have a large area to fill. It’s amazing how much soil you need to fill a raised bed. You can obviously go to the local garden center, purchase soil and begin filling your bed....
Soil Building
Mushroom Compost Guide: What it is, The Benefits and How Much to Add
To grow a lush garden, you need nutrient-rich soil. Regular compost will do the trick, but it’s not the only option. Mushroom compost can act as both a soil conditioner and a mulch to feed your plants and help retain moisture. In this mushroom compost guide, we’ll...
How To Start Composting For Beginners
What’s the secret to a healthy, fruitful garden? Nutrient-rich soil. What’s the simplest way to get nutrient-rich soil naturally and without spending a fortune? Compost. In this guide, we’ll share how to start composting for beginners, what not to compost and common...
How Much Perlite To Add to Raised Beds AND Fixing Your Drainage
Your raised garden bed soil isn’t “natural.” Instead, you’ve added your own potting mix, raised bed soil, compost and more into your bed. However, one issue that you may run into is drainage. Perlite can help you improve your bed’s drainage by adding this little...
9 Soil Amendments to Improve Drainage in Your Raised Beds
One of the biggest benefits of raised garden beds is that you’re in control of the soil. With a traditional in-ground garden, you can amend the soil over time, but for the most part, you have to work with the soil you have. But even with a raised bed, it’s beneficial...
Gardening Basics
What is Raised Bed Gardening?
Raised bed gardening is a term that is gaining popularity with homeowners who don’t want to or can’t dig into their soil. I’m a prime example of someone who didn’t know what this term was until I purchased my home. But as you’ll find out shortly, raised bed gardening...
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